Survival Kits | Bug Out Bags | B.O.B

A Bug Out Bag, often referred to as a “go bag” or “emergency kit,” is crucial because it provides essential items and supplies to help you survive in emergency situations. It’s designed to be quickly grabbed in case of evacuation or disasters, containing items like food, water, first aid supplies, clothing, tools, and important documents, ensuring you’re prepared for unexpected events that may require immediate evacuation or survival preparedness. 

A B.O.B. is a must in all survival situation. 

Having multiple Bug Out Bags can be a smart strategy, depending on your situation and needs. Consider different scenarios and locations where you might need to evacuate from, such as work, home, or your vehicle. Having tailored Bug Out Bags for these different Scenarios can ensure you’re prepared for various emergencies and can also distribute the weight of supplies more evenly if you need to move quickly.


Creating a survival kit involves considering essential items for various scenarios. Here are some key items to include in a basic survival kit:

1. Shelter and Warmth:
• Tent or tarp
• Emergency blanket or sleeping bag
• Waterproof matches or fire starter
• Portable stove or cooking equipment
2. Water and Hydration:
• Water purification tablets or filter
• Collapsible water container or canteen
• Metal water bottle
3. Food and Nutrition:
• Non-perishable food (energy bars, canned goods, dehydrated meals)
• Portable utensils and a multi-tool
4. Navigation and Communication:
• Compass or GPS device
• Whistle and signaling mirror
• Fully charged mobile phone with a backup power source (solar charger, power bank)
5. First Aid and Medical Supplies:
• Basic first aid kit
• Prescription medications (if needed)
• Personal hygiene items (toilet paper, hand sanitizer)
6. Lighting and Visibility:
• LED flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries
• Glow sticks or chem lights
• Reflective gear or markers for visibility
7. Tools and Equipment:
• Multipurpose knife or multi-tool
• Duct tape and paracord
• Small shovel or folding saw
8. Clothing and Protection:
• Extra clothing appropriate for weather conditions (extra socks, thermal layers, rain gear)
• Hat, gloves, and sturdy footwear
9. Personal Documents and Cash:
• Copies of important documents (ID, insurance, emergency contacts)
• Cash in small denominations
10. Entertainment and Comfort:
• Notepad and pen
• Playing cards or other small games
• Comfort items for stress relief (book, music player)

Remember, your survival kit should be customized based on your location, the potential risks you might face, and the number of people the kit will support. Regularly check and update your kit to ensure items are in working condition and supplies are not expired. Additionally, consider personal needs, such as specific medications or items for infants or pets if applicable.

A bug out bag (BOB) contains essential items to help you survive and sustain yourself during an evacuation or emergency situation. While preferences may vary, here are four top items considered crucial for a bug out bag:

1. Water and Water Purification:
• Portable water filtration or purification systems along with collapsible water containers. Water is essential for survival, and having a means to collect and purify water is paramount.
2. High-Nutrition Food and Food Procurement Tools:
• Non-perishable, high-calorie food items like energy bars, dehydrated meals, or canned goods. Additionally, include tools for food procurement such as fishing gear, snare wire, or compact hunting equipment.
3. Shelter and Warmth:
• A lightweight and durable tent or tarp for shelter, along with an emergency blanket or sleeping bag for warmth. Staying dry and maintaining body heat is crucial in harsh conditions.
4. Navigation and Communication:
• Navigation tools like a reliable compass, maps of the area, and a GPS device if possible. Communication devices such as a fully charged mobile phone with a power bank, a whistle, and signaling tools for alerting others or seeking help.

These items cover fundamental needs for survival: water, food, shelter, and the means to navigate and communicate. Remember, the contents of a bug out bag should be tailored to your specific circumstances, environment, and potential risks you might encounter during an evacuation or emergency. Regularly review and update your bug out bag to ensure that items are in good condition and suit your current needs.

Stay safe, stay alive.

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